Monthly Archives: December 2012

Its personal and it always was...

Websites made easy

The Internet is actually a personal place.

Because we are all persons, (I hope you agree). We are all interacting with webpages, sites and applications all the time when we are online.

So it is a personal environment where we want to establish a connection, or relationship with our readers. This means you and me.

As website owners we can control the content of our pages so that our visitors are rewarded when they come to see us. Seem obvious doesn’t it?

Just like real customers in the real-world visitors to websites love to get fresh content, insight, ideas, inspiration, products and services. If they are pleased, and have a pleasing interaction; they come back.

Its personal and it always was...


3 things to remember about your visitors.

Keep your visitors in mind all the time when developing your website;

  • What are visitors to your website looking for?
  • What are they hoping to obtain from you?
  • How can you deliver it for them in a timely and affordable way so they want to return?

Next steps towards online success.

Take a look at our own website planning guide where you can get a good idea of what you need to include in your website.

When you’re ready either phone or email and we’ll be able to help you. Contact us.

Achieving success requires some planning

Ten fundamental principles for online success

10 fundamental principles to achieving online success

  1. Keep it simple. Speaks for itself doesn’t it.
  2. Be yourself. This applies to companies and organisations as well as individuals.
  3. Be unique. Promote your USP, your unique selling points on your website.
  4. Make it easy to use your site.
  5. Continually add fresh content.
  6. Maintain a blog about your industry or niche.
  7. Keep it positive.
  8. Clearly display your contact information.
  9. Be approachable. Allow your visitors to connect with you and keep up to date. This can be achieved via a newsletter email list, Twitter account or Facebook page.
  10. Keep an open mind. There’s always something new to learn to improve what you’re doing.

Join the mailing list and Pat will send you the 11th principle.